For years I used to give myself a hard time on how my art would come out and was rarely completely proud or happy with what I made.
Today's work came from one of those faces you just have to draw. One of those faces that just needs to be on paper. To start out, I just loosely outlined the areas that I wanted to be light and dark- a habit from oil painting that wormed its way into the rest of my art.
I wanted to use three values- the three boxes at the bottom I never ended up filling in. Just to keep it easy, I marked the areas like a Paint-By-Number.
After failing with the darkest value at the bottom of the page, I set out a 1cm grid as the guidelines for the lightest value and aimed to halve the measurements every time I went darker. Then, football happened and my plans went out the window.
Although at this point my first draft looked pretty dope, I tore off a fresh sheet of paper and laid it over the chart to mark off where I would draw. After some ad libbing and a few hours of Broadway showtunes on Pandora, here's where we ended up.

Thanks for reading!