Monday, January 9, 2017

Creative Laissez-faire, or how I draw to showtunes.

It's probably time to write a little bit about my creative process.  Fortunately, for me lately that means being okay with whatever comes out on paper and trying again if I'm not pleased with the results. I'm all about seeing what happens and going from there.
For years I used to give myself a hard time on how my art would come out and was rarely completely proud or happy with what I made.

Today's work came from one of those faces you just have to draw. One of those faces that just needs to be on paper.  To start out, I just loosely outlined the areas that I wanted to be light and dark- a habit from oil painting that wormed its way into the rest of my art.

I wanted to use three values- the three boxes at the bottom I never ended up filling in. Just to keep it easy, I marked the areas like a Paint-By-Number.
After failing with the darkest value at the bottom of the page, I set out a 1cm grid as the guidelines for the lightest value and aimed to halve the measurements every time I went darker. Then, football happened and my plans went out the window.

Although at this point my first draft looked pretty dope, I tore off a fresh sheet of paper and laid it over the chart to mark off where I would draw. After some ad libbing and a few hours of Broadway showtunes on Pandora, here's where we ended up.

Thanks for reading!

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