Friday, May 3, 2019

Fluid Art Paintings

(Reminder- myself and 2 other artists are doing a Twitter giveaway til 5/11, to enter and possibly win all of this amazing art go to - ) )ht


This week I wanted to show you all the paintings I have that are finished and ready to sell. I don't currently have the cash for shipping materials to ship these, which is why I haven't listed them on here or my Twitter. But that doesn't mean I should keep them hidden from your beautiful eyes!

The first one I wanted to do in Starry Night colors. I added coconut milk serum to add cells, because I knew I wanted more cells and swirls than the bold, crisp shapes of fluid art done with straight paint (see Dancing Ghosts and Granite below for examples). But other than that I really had no idea how it would turn out. It's often a silly idea to go into this kind of art with expectations anyway.

I used one cup to do a flip-cup technique for this one, and I did zero swirling of the paint so all the swirls, I genuinely can only say it must have been the fluid art gods granting me those because I wouldn't know how to do those on purpose if I tried.

Next, this one I wanted to do in shades of purple, inspired by a friend whose favorite color is purple. I hit the cell jackpot with this one!! The space where all the little cells are were originally big patches of light purple but as I hit it with the butane torch, all these wonderful little cells began to appear til it looked like a coral reef scene that I'm absolutely in love with.

Another one I wanted to do in shade of purple, but I wanted do do a drip effect over a background of solid white. I call it Purple Rain 

In contrast to the cool hued purple drip painting, I wanted to do one that looked like magma, but over a solid black background. 

These ones I already had finished-

 the 2 Riddler drip pours

Dancing Ghosts



Fire Elemental

5x7s I've sold & sent out-

This one I made & kept, it sits on my desk now to keep me focused on the way to make progress in art & recovery. The bottom is an eggshell white and metallic gold that's not pictured well here.

That's it for this week! I hope you enjoyed :)

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