I have some memory problems from being in hospital, however, and he's got a shoddy memory so there may be lots of ummmmms and errrrrs along the way.
*Note- I have changed the text color in this post at least ten times and cannot get it to stay the way I set it, so I apologize for the odd text color changes.
The Boyfriend Tag
Where did we meet?
"We met first in the parking lot at your old apartment. Well, we met online first."
That's right! I wasn't into the idea of online dating but a friend who had recently reconnected with an old love after a really traumatic relationship convinced me to give it a try so I did. I didn't hit it off with anybody or even accept a date from the people I matched with until we matched and I realized we only lived 45 minutes away, and he had gone to the same school as my half brother so we might know some of the same people.
Where was our first date?
"It was that Mexican place, right? Or was it the 99? It was after you got your blue dress, I think."
I thought it was Fridays, and it was the black dress? I don't remember either! 😅 But I know we took a cab there because neither of us had a car yet. There's few options in a small town!
What was your first impression of me?
"She's just as pretty as I thought she would be."
MAD blushing right now.
When did you meet my family?
"When we went out to dinner with your dad, and (Sister's name), and (BIL's name) and all the kiddies that I definitely know all the names of."
😂 There are seven nieces and nephews to remember, I don't expect him to remember them all. To be completely honest I can't remember if he has 7 or 8, but I know there's another on the way so god help us both in remembering all of that!
Do I have any weird obsessions?
"Why do these 'Most Compelling Police Interrogations" keep showing up in my recommendations?"
I'm often susceptible to clickbait. What can I say? I'm human.
How long have we been together?
"Four years and seventeen days."
Um. Okay.... Mr. Exact Numbers. It helps that we just had our anniversary last month.
Do we have any traditions?
I'd have to agree, honestly. We used to order in Chinese from a specific place every other Friday on pay day, but we don't have any holiday traditions yet or anything.
Where was our first holiday?
"I guess our first was going to see Ingrid 2 years ago when we were in Portland. That was awesome."
It was soooooo awesome. We stayed in a hotel connected to the theater that had a heated salt water pool, so after going out to eat and seeing one of my real life heroes, Ingrid Michaelson, we came back to the hotel and relaxed in the pool. I'd worn heels which I do rarely, and my poor feet were so sore! But I didn't care, we'd just seen my hero in concert for the first time ever. I can't wait to see her for Christmas this year!!! Ingrid + Christmas, two of the best things on Earth colliding.
What was the first thing you noticed about me?
"Well, first I thought you were cute. Then I opened your profile and saw the pictures of you and your guitar, and you and Roscoe (my father's dog), and I thought you were nice. Then I saw we liked all the same stuff, the Princess Bride and Doctor Who and all that."
It's true what they say about dogs. They ARE babe magnets! I'm glad I put my interests on my page now, because mutual interests are what really sparked our relationship and getting to know eachother. Once we discovered our mutual love for Josh Ritter, we were sold on one another.
What is my favorite restaurant?
"You always just want to go to Applebees! It's because they have french onion soup, I know."
It's true, unless I have a specific place in mind I wanted to try. We moved closer to the city this year and have been trying out fun little places, but Applebees always has 2 for $20 deals if I know I want steak and potatoes, and their peach mint sangria is one of my favorite drinks.
What do we argue about the most?
Ugh, true. And the situations money puts us in, and the situations that lead to us not having enough money. e_e
Who wears the trousers in the relationship?
"You do, one hundred percent."
If I’m watching tv, what am I watching?
"If you're watching anything it's on YouTube and it's games and commentary."
That's true. We've never had cable and only have a TV to cast shows, movies, and streams onto.
What is one food I don’t like?
"You don't like maraschino cherries. And almond flavor."
That's the fake cherry flavor!!! Real cherries are delicious and amazing. Fake cherry is made from almond flavor which I hate. Disaronno can get the hell out of my face, I will barf.
Pro tip to parents- don't drug your children on flights to keep them quiet. It'll put them off cherry flavor for life, and maybe also they needed ear surgery and weren't just fussy. End rant.
What drink do I order if we go out?
"Usually one of those fruit lemonades, or a Sprite. You like those muddled peach drinks at Applebees too."
He knows me too well.
What size are my feet?
WRONG. Nine and a half. I have long ugly Gollum feet and nines pinch.
What is my favorite kind of sandwich?
"BLT with mayo and pickles."
😍😍😍 I want to marry this man. Oh wait, I'm going to.
What is one talent that I have?
"You're really good at knitting."
😊 That feels nice to hear.
What is my favorite cereal?
"I don't know. Sometimes you like oat cluster things."
Yeah, we don't eat a lot of cereal. Sometimes granola with yogurt. We're both lactose intolerant so if we buy lactose free milk, we usually save it for cooking and for putting in coffee and tea. But if I do eat cereal, I like Frosted Flakes.
Where was our first kiss?
"At your apartment, on that grey couch."
It was the first time I felt a spark. It made sense what people had been talking about. I've never been a super fan of kissing, putting your slobber on someone else's... but this time I was like oh! That's what the spark is!
What color are my eyes?
"One blue, one green."
Yes! Well, sort of. Blue and then one has a blob of yellow. Sectoral heterochromia, woo!
What is something you do that I wish you wouldn’t?
"Yell at video games."
Yep. Scares the shit out of the cats, too.
What kind of cake would you bake me for my birthday?
"Probably a lemon cake. "
Mmm, I love cakes that have fruit in them. Like vanilla cake with a layer of raspberry jam, mmmmm.
What can I spend hours doing?
"Fawning over the kitties, definitely. Or knitting."
He makes me sound like a crazy cat lady... but he's not wrong.
If I could live anywhere where would it be?
100% spot on. I daydream of running a B&B in the Northwest of Scotland.
And now we get to the part of this tag I'm not sure about. As my interests & audience include a lot of LGBTQ areas, I found it hard to tag anyone because it feels sort of unfair to single out certain peers or followers to tag because of their relationship. Maybe if I were also tagged in LGBTQ related and/or aro related tags I would feel better about including more people, but as it is I think for the first time I may not pass on this tag.
1 comment:
Aww this is super cute, he clearly knows mostly everything about you! You both seem super happy, lovely blog post :)
Chloe xx
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