Thursday, October 4, 2018

Blogtober Day 4: The Truman Sh.. wait no, The Cabin in the Woods

Today I'm reviewing a film that's like one I originally planned on reviewing as it plays on one of modern society's biggest fear- that we are living in some kind of simulation, but it was ruled out due to not being horror or spooky themed. I'm talking of course about The Truman Show, although I suppose I could say Westworld now as well.

I really liked how weird this one got, I wasn't expecting the twist but I really enjoyed what it made of the story. Although, I wish we could have been shown a little bit more of the scenarios in other parts of the world. They teased all the possibilities and then went with zombies, and it would have been cool to see a little bit of how the other ones would have turned out. Kind of like in Monsters Inc when they are hopping in and out of all the doors that lead to different parts of the world, and we're shown all sorts of environments and mini-stories.

Blogtober has been pretty fun so far! I'm enjoying having lots of options of things to review as I came up with my list before starting, and I can post about things as they happen, like the Fall Favorites tag or (coming up) the Flawsome award. 

I am feeling a little weird about not posting art or life updates, however. While I haven't been doing as much work on art, mostly because of having to save money for more immediate needs like utility bills and rent, I have been working on knitting projects and some sketches as the ideas come to me.

Also I did some horror movie inspired nail art that I'm hoping won't get me too many weird looks in public. 


Carly Tamara said...

I've never saw Cabin In The Woods but I've heard good things about it, and that it turned a little weird at some point. I'm not massive on scary films but it does seem a little different! I love those nails, they are perfect for halloween! Fabulous!

Carly xx //

Sassy Southrn Ma said...

I have never watched Cabin in the Woods but I may have to add it to my list of things to check out! Also, LOVE your nails! Great post!

Lena //