Monday, October 1, 2018

Blogtober- It Began One Night

Unsettle yourselves in, because we're about to embark on a journey into an October filled with spooky aesthetic, scary movies, animated Halloween shorts, and general revelry into the season that I adore most. I've got an overachieving 31+ item list of things to watch and will be reviewing one or several per day as we approach Halloween.

As a start I kicked off with Interview with the Vampire and Scream. Both classics, both insisted by people around me to be a must-watch. So I did, and boy-howdy. While I did like it, Brad Pitt uhm... grew up? There was a time after seeing Fight Club when as a joke I refused to believe Brad Pitt existed as anything other than a made up character but some of his acting in this made me sort of wish that had been the case. If someone with Brad Pitt's face or similar was going to be acting gay without letting us see all of it, I'd rather it be Heath Ledger. Actually, let's just have him back and replace every role with him.

I watched it along with a friend, who like me prefers comfy leggings and cute dresses with pockets, but also thankfully, and like me, has a penchant for gorgeous costume dresses and French aristocracy so we had fun exclaiming over all the dresses, the satin, and good lord the draping. Fabric heaven!

Then came Scream, which I watched snuggled up with my fiance on the couch as I wasn't sure how scared I was going to be. The amount of tropes in it and the straight-up addressing of some of them made it a fun watch and took some of the edge off being terrified to ever pick up the phone again. But seriously, why do they keep getting the phone?????

All in all, I think it was a good start to Blogtober. What do you think? Do you have a list of must-sees for the Halloween season?


Carly Thompson said...

I love old classic horrors like Scream, I don't think it's scary I just think it's freaky how he watches his soon to be victims from the window. Quite possibly my worst nightmare haha! Great start to Blogtober!

Carly xx //

TheAjifa said...

Great start to Blogtober, looking forward to more articles from you before the month runs out

Kirsty TTLG said...

I've never watched either of these movies - I'm too much of a wuss for horror! I'm excited for October evenings with spooky films though, getting into that Hallowe'en mood!

The Rolling Twenties said...

Love those horror movies, especially Scream! It’s amazing! I feel Horror now involves too much technology, you need good old fashioned horrors that make you cling to the person next to you. Are you watching The Shining this month? That has you on the edge of your seat! 😊♥️Xxx